Loving the Now


loving the now

Living and attracting the life you want

ocean seashore with beautiful turquoise water and sea waves
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Life Coaching with Michelle

Connect to your inner wisdom

Loving the now means accepting the present moment as it without needing to change it in any way. This leads to experiencing authentic joy in the present moment. Joy is not just feeling good. It is feeling everything this beautiful human experience is offering up. Through coaching,  you will gradually move from trying to only feel good into a place where you are open to feeling everything.

Interestingly, the more you live in acceptance of the present moment, the less you will experience negative emotions. This is because most negative emotions arise from the non-acceptance of the “is-ness” of this moment.

When we avoid or suppress fear, anger or sadness, we actually cut ourselves from the good feelings too. When we numb ourselves from pain, we also numb ourselves from pleasure. By focusing on the now, we connect with the only moment that contains the vibrancy of life

As we work together, you will learn to reconnect with the inner wisdom that is already within you. It has always been there, it was just covered with adaptations that may have served you in the past, but are no longer working for you.   It is the exact same process I used on myself for years leading to a dramatic transformation of a life of peace and abundance.  Through the wisdom that is already within you, you will learn to connect and integrate the unconcious emotions that run your life and connect with your authentic voice. 

Loving the now means loving what ever is showing up in our life, without an agenda to change it. We create a space to explore the beliefs that block you without forcing them to change. By touching the emotions we transform.

Life Coaching with Michelle

If you have areas in your life where you know you aren’t showing up in the way you most want to, it is because of the thoughts and emotions that are running on autopilot.

During our coaching sessions you will learn how to:

  • Observe what you are thinking and believing from a place of acceptance and self compassion
  • Identify triggers that reveal opportunities for emotional and spiritual growth
  • Learn to access insight and wisdom from the emotions, thoughts, images and feelings that arise 
  • Grow your ability to unconditionally feel the pain and discomfort and integrate the energy-in-motion (emotions) and watch as it transforms into vitality and authentic joy

See how your life transforms in the following ways…

  • Less conflict with yourself and in your relationships
  • Less drama in your life 
  • Attract the life you want
  • Attract abundance
  • Be fulfilled by work that’s personally meaningful to you
  • Reconnected with the dimmed-out part of you that is begging to be let out into the world
  • Be armed with inspired-actions to live a rich and meaningful life

This practice allows you to access the wisdom that always exists within you. In our coaching sessions, you will connect with that inner wisdom and bring to your awareness those beliefs that have been covering up that wisdom. Our sessions are not about how-tos or adding information to your brain. They are about uncovering what is already there, hidden in plain sight.

Are you ready to transform your life?

Schedule a 1:1 coaching