Loving the Now


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meet Michelle

Most of my life I relentlessly pursued happiness. I tried to accumulate as many experiences as possible to make me happy not realizing that what I was actually doing was running away from my inner anxiety. I have come to learn the hard way, that the PURSUIT of happiness IS the cause of unhappiness. Why? I was not able to connect with the present moment and did not allow myself to feel what was showing up in the moment. I was too focused on the future, on the promise that those things will make me happy and fulfilled in the future. A promise that was never delivered.

I received a Bachelor degree in psychology from the University of California San Diego graduated with a Masters degree in counselling psychology with a certificate of Creative Expressions at the Masters Level. With those degrees I decided to pursue a career in marketing working at a large advertising agency catering to Fortune 10 Companies in the US.

On the outside, I had everything that (I was “promised”) would bring happiness and everlasting joy: A very successful career, beautiful house, nice car a beautiful family, great friends, and a cute dog. I went on exciting trips all over the world.  And yet…. no matter how hard I tried to acquire the things that I thought would bring me happiness, I felt anxious and unsatisfied all the time. Any moment of happiness was fleeting. Nothing felt like it was enough. Like Mick Jagger says, I couldn’t get no satisfaction. Eventually I felt depleted and lost.  

I left my job, my beautiful house, friends, family and took an inward journey into finding out who I am.

After years of self-inquiry, and honest reflection, I have Identified simple yet very powerful tools to find my inner wisdom all of which I will use as I work with you as a coach. As I started to seek what I need from the inside, the outside reflected my transformation.  I attract everything I want. I trust that what is given to me is what I need. Nothing more and nothing less. I love what is, whatever it is.

In coaching I integrate various teachings, modalities, approaches and tools including Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Gabor Mate, A H Almas, Somatic Psychology, Internal Family Systems and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and many other spiritual and non-spiritual teachings. I also have experience with Ayuhuasca, a psychedelic which opened my mind beyond the state of ordinary consciousness. I am a certified coach of the Work of Byron Katie and have hundreds of client hours running the gamut of human experiences.

My approach to coaching focuses on helping you identify the thoughts and beliefs that get in the way of living your best life.  You will find your authentic voice and get in touch with what matters most to you.

As a coach, I will provide a safe environment and compassionately support you in your journey.  You will connect with your wisdom, and you will attract the relationships, the job and the life you want. If I can do it, then certainly so can you.  I will help you question the thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back.

Values that guide my work


“interpersonal compassion necessarily involves empathy, the ability to get and relate to the feelings of anther” says Gabor Mate.  Compassion is at the core of my approach to coaching.  I have compassion for truth which translate to being able to sit with a client and not try to fix or change anything. Compassion for truth  allows pain and discomfort to arise so we can explore it together in a safe and nurturing environment.  


Authenticity eludes any precise definition.  It is not a concept, but something lived, experienced, embodied. Striving for an idealized self image is by definition incompatible with being authentic. During our session I will help you find your inner guide that you may be defying, resisting, ignoring or avoiding in order to find your authentic self


Acceptance begins with allowing things to be as they are. Allowing anger, resistance, frustration, hatred or any other emotions to show up, they all have a place to be. Acceptance does not mean condoning, complacency, resignation or tolerating. During our session there is full acceptance for whatever shows up so we can work on it together


A sense of curiosity is always present when I work with clients. I invite you to be curious as you explore what shows up in the present moment as we do the work together.  You have the wisdom inside you already, I just stay curious as I guide you back home to yourself in a curious and open way.

My approach to coaching focuses on helping you identify the thoughts and beliefs that get in the way of living your best life. You will find your authentic voice and get in touch with what matters most to you.

Get in Touch

Schedule an free introductory 15 min session